fission watch create

fission watch create

Create a kube watcher

fission watch create [flags]


      --function string      Function name
      --name string          Watch name
      --type string          Type of resource to watch (Pod, Service, etc.) (default "pod")
      --namespace string     --ns |:|: Namespace of resource to watch (default "default")
      --fnNamespace string   --fns |:|: Namespace for function object (default "default")
      --spec                 Save to the spec directory instead of creating on cluster
      --dry                  View the generated specs
  -h, --help                 help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

      --kube-context string   Kubernetes context to be used for the execution of Fission commands
      --server string         Server URL
  -v, --verbosity int         -v |:|: CLI verbosity (0 is quiet, 1 is the default, 2 is verbose) (default 1)