Fission Metrics Reference

Fission Metrics - List of Prometheus metrics in Fission
To access these metrics, you’ll need to install Fission 1.16 or higher.
Metric Name Component Labels Description
http_requests_total General path, method, code Number of requests by path, method and status code
http_requests_duration_seconds General path, method Time taken to serve the request by path and method
http_requests_in_flight General path, method Number of requests currently being served by path and method
fission_function_cold_starts_total Executor function_name, function_namespace How many cold starts are made by function_name, function_namespace
fission_function_running_seconds Executor function_name, function_namespace The running time (last access - create) in seconds of the function
fission_function_cold_start_errors_total Executor function_name, function_namespace Count of Fission cold start errors
fission_function_calls_total Router function_namespace, function_name, path, method, code Count of Fission function calls
fission_function_errors_total Router function_namespace, function_name, path, method, code Count of Fission function errors
fission_function_overhead_seconds Router function_namespace, function_name, path, method, code The function call delay caused by Fission.
fission_archives_total StorageSvc Nil Number of archives stored
fission_archive_memory_bytes StorageSvc Nil Amount of memory consumed by archives