

Regression fixes


  • Changed default sync period for Fission informer to 30min from 30s. This reduces lot of unnecessary updates across Fission code PR #2167
  • Added filter for env update in newdeploy to consider newdeploy functions PR #2165
  • Changed default function call timeout from 30s to 60s in fission fn test PR #2169
  • Using typed informers in configmap and secret watcher PR #2174
  • Fixed pod name in port forwarding logs PR #2178
  • Added kubernetes objects aware logger PR #2179
  • Warn if package resource version mismatch in function specialization PR #2183

Internal Fixes

  • Updated Fission base image from Alpine 3.13 to Alpine 3.14. PR #2160
  • Updated Fission to use Go 1.16 and Kubernetes dependencies to 1.21 PR #2168
  • Stow client updated v0.2.7 PR #2195
  • Using goreleaser for faster buids and releases PR #2189


  • From 1.15 release, Fission would be having one tag only of format v1.15.x etc. instead of two tags earlier. Please ensure you are using v1.15.0 in helm install and not 1.15.0.
  • From 1.15 release, Fission would be having version prefix to chart tag. Eg. Instead of using 1.15.0-rc1 as version, we will use v1.15.0-rc1. So for helm install, please pass version as v1.15.0-rc1.
helm install --version v1.15.0-rc1 --namespace fission fission

Also, docker images would be tagged with v1.15.0-rc1.

  • We have changed installation steps since 1.13.0, please refer the latest installation steps. You need to install/replace Custom Resource Definitions(CRDs) before installing Helm chart.
  • Environments releases are decoupled from Fission release. Please check Environments portal for latest environments.


  • With addition of OpenTelemetry, we would be soon removing OpenTracing instrumentation.
  • HTTPTrigger/Route creation from Fission CLI is deprecated. Use fission route create instead. PR #2171
  • We have deprecated Spec.Method in HTTPTrigger since 1.13.0, please use Spec.Methods instead.


Last modified November 23, 2021: Changes for release 1.15 (#105) (ab55537)