Troubleshoot Fission Setup

Troubleshoot your Fission setup

In this section, we will cover how to troubleshoot your functions and collect information to troubleshoot problems related to Fission.

Fission Services Check

From v1.16.0, Fission CLI supports environment check that allows you to check the status of Kubernetes environment and Fission services with a single check command.

Check the status of Kubernetes cluster before installing Fission

$ fission check --pre

√ kubernetes version is compatible

After Fission is installed, check if all the Fission services are running and healthy

$ fission check

√ controller is running fine
√ executor is running fine
√ router is running fine
× storagesvc deployment is not running

√ fission is up-to-date

The above output shows when any of the Fission services is not running as expected.

Refer to the following sections for further analysis.

Check Pods Status and Logs

If the Fission installation doesn’t work for you, you can follow guides below to troubleshoot.

Core Components

All core component should stay in RUNNING state. If the pod is not in RUNNING state or the RESTARTS counts keep increasing, you can get some useful information with commands.

In most cases, Events shows common errors like wrong image name, and can help you to locate common problems.

$ kubectl -n fission describe pod -f <pod>

If Events doesn’t provide any information, you then need to dump component logs

$ kubectl -n fission logs -f <pod>

For example, here is log from executor which shows that in-Cluster DNS problem (port 53).

error posting to getting service for function: Post http://executor.fission/v2/getServiceForFunction:
dial tcp: lookup executor.fission on read udp> read: connection refused

Function Pods

A function pod consists with two containers: Fetcher and Runtime. Fetcher fetches user function into function pod during specialization stage. Runtime is a container contains necessary language environment to run user function.

You can filter out function pods you’re interesting in and dump logs as follows.

$ kubectl -n fission-function get pod -l functionName=<fn-name>

You can also add additional labels to filter out pods. Here are some labels you can use.

Label Possible Value Example
environmentName environment name environmentName=go
functionName function name functionName=hello
executorType poolmgr/newdeploy executorType=newdeploy

If you also want to filter out function pod in specific state like RUNNING, try:

$ kubectl -n fission-function get pod -l functionName=<fn-name> \
    --field-selector status.phase=Running

Dump logs from containers:

$ kubectl -n fission-function describe pod -f <pod>
$ kubectl -n fission-function logs -f <pod> -c <container>

Builder Pods

The builder pods is similar to function pod but for building user function source code into a deployable package.

$ fission pkg create --env go --src
Package 'go-zip-5obh' created

$ fission pkg list
go-zip-5obh   running      go

Your function won’t work until the package function used turns into succeeded state. If a package shows state other than succeeded you can retrieve build logs with commands as follows.

$ fission pkg list
go-zip-a7ns   failed       go

$ fission pkg info --name go-zip-a7ns
Name:        go-zip-a7ns
Environment: go
Status:      failed
Build Logs:
Error building deployment package: Internal error - {"artifactFilename":"go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl-bkkmcd",
"buildLogs":"Building in directory /usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl\n++ basename /packages/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl\n+ 
srcDir=/usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl\n+ trap 'rm -rf /usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl' EXIT\n+ '[' -d /packages/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl ']'
\n+ echo 'Building in directory /usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl'\n+ ln -sf /packages/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl 
/usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl\n+ cd /usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl\n+ '[' -f go.mod ']'\n+ '[' '!' -z 1.12.7 ']'\n+ 
version_ge 1.12.7 1.12\n++ head -n 1\n++ sort -rV\n++ tr ' ' '\\n'\n++ echo 1.12.7 1.12\n+ test 1.12.7 == 1.12.7\n+ 
go mod download\n+ go build -buildmode=plugin -i -o /packages/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl-bkkmcd .\n#\n./main.go:4:2: imported and not used: 
\"fmt\"\n+ rm -rf /usr/src/go-zip-a7ns-tu8wfl\nerror building source package: error waiting for cmd \"build\": exit status 2\n"}

To dump builder logs, you can do:

$ kubectl -n fission-builder get pod -l envName=<env-name>
$ kubectl -n fission-builder describe pod -f <pod>
$ kubectl -n fission-builder logs -f <pod> -c <container>

Dump Logs for Further Help

If steps above cannot help you to solve the problem, you can run support command to dump logs.

$ fission support dump

Then, you can open issue on GitHub and upload the dump file for others to help.

Last modified February 15, 2022: Added Fission CLI check (#154) (70a5cd3)